
How to detoxify after the holidays?

  1. Definitions:

Detoxification: Detoxification is a mechanism that will deactivate and eliminate waste products present in the body’s molecules. These wastes can be inherent to the body or come from outside; they are then called “xenobiotics”.

Toxins: “A toxin is a substance that is toxic to living organisms. Toxins are poisons produced by the body. Toxins can cause disease. A toxin is a waste product of the organism that would have a pathogenic power if accumulated”.

  1. The organs of detoxification:

The function of elimination is an essential function of the human body, since it allows the evacuation out of our organism of a set of useless or even dangerous substances. These substances, which are absorbed (food / respiratory exchanges) or produced (metabolism) by the body, must then be eliminated. The skin, the lungs, the kidneys, the liver and the intestines are the 5 main organs of elimination of these “toxins”.

The liver: the liver is a very complex “chemical factory” through which almost all the blood flow from the intestines passes. It has an enormous daily workload! The liver is not a filter, but a transformer. It neutralizes toxins and toxics, thanks to its phase I and phase II detoxification functions, and transforms them into waste that can then be eliminated by the emunctories.

The intestines: Everything we swallow passes through the digestive system, and is eliminated by the colon. If the colon does not eliminate properly, the toxins stagnate and are reabsorbed by the hemorrhoidal veins and the lymphatic system. These two circulation systems will then redistribute the toxins to the liver. The elimination function is an essential function of the human body, since it allows the evacuation of a set of useless and even dangerous substances from our body. These substances, which are absorbed (food / respiratory exchanges) or produced (metabolism) by the body, must then be eliminated. The skin, the lungs, the kidneys, the liver and the intestines are the 5 main organs of elimination of these “toxins”.

The lungs: also have the capacity to eliminate certain toxins that arrive in the blood. They are excreted in the form of gas. If these toxins are not eliminated properly, they can block the respiratory functions, and create for example asthma attacks.

The skin: Toxins can be eliminated through the skin and manifest themselves as pimples, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc. In naturopathy, anything that comes out through the skin is a sign of liver and intestinal deficiencies.

Kidneys / Bladder: Metabolic waste from the body is eventually eliminated through the renal system. The kidneys filter waste through the renal glomeruli, which are then eliminated through the urine.

  1. What to do to help the body?

The body has a natural ability to detoxify itself, but sometimes it is good to help it by different means:

The most radical and effective way is fasting. Fasting has always been practiced by humans and animals, and it is a good idea to fast from time to time in order to put the digestive system at rest. If there is nothing to digest, the body can concentrate on other things, which is why many people regain energy at the beginning of the fast. You can do a water fast or a dry fast (24-72 hours max). You can do a fast with vegetable broth. Or with meat broth. You can do a mono diet: eat only one food; ex: grape cure, or zucchini, or only chicken or rice. You can do a detox with vegetable or fruit juice. (see The more radical you are (fasting with water or vegetable broths), the more effective the effect will be.

  1. How long can you fast?
  • 24 hours to 40 days…
  • 3 to 5 days in a row 4 times a year.
  • You can fast alone at home.
  1. What to do during the fast?
  • Rest as much as possible!
  • Take care of yourself: take time to read, sleep, meditate.
  • Practice relaxation, sophrology, yoga, Tai-Chi
  • Walk and breathe – sunbathe.
  • Practice conscious breathing.
  • Take baths with Epsom salts, Dead Sea salts, sodium bicarbonate, or vinegar.
  • Drink detoxifying herbal teas: thyme, rosemary, dandelion, etc.
  1. How does fasting feel?

Sometimes nothing at all. Sometimes a lot; it all depends on one’s ability to detoxify.

  • Headaches are very common; fatigue, feeling of having the flu; cravings; pimples and even boils, abscesses; old pains that resurface; constipation or diarrhea. The longer the fasting lasts, the more the detoxification effects are amplified. This is where it is better to be accompanied. Some will be bedridden throughout the day.

“The biochemical elements contained in coffee administered rectally stimulate the action of the liver, release toxic bile, open the bile ducts and stimulate the enzymatic system known as “Glutathione S-Transferase” (GST). The activity of this system, which allows the elimination of free radicals, is increased by 650 to 700%. No other product or medicine can compete with coffee on this point.

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