Testimonials from our clients

Hi Beatrice,
At the end of February, just before I started my low-carb diet I took a comprehensive blood test. I took a second test yesterday.
During this time I didn't take my Statins and my Metphormin. A first break after 10 years, so I was worried I'd be exposed without my "protective" pills.
And guess what?
- my A1c went down to 5.0 from 5.5
- Cholesterol went up to 188 from 130 -- which is the desired level for brain health -- I thank you for pointing out that my Chl. was way too low!
- HDL ratio up to 4.0 from 3.3 (well, b/c my Chl. is now higher)
- LDL up to 126 from 62 -- still in the OK range
- Tri down to 75 from 143

On June 13, 2005, I was diagnosed with severe rheumatoid arthritis by a doctor in Santa Cruz, and from then on, for a couple of years, I was given increasingly more medications and higher doses, until I was taking Remicade, which is the top drug given for the immune deficient medical situation. Remicade, I learned—but not from the rheumatologist—is a form of chemotherapy; it is administered by an intravenous therapy taking about an hour and a half for each procedure.
After four sittings with the drug, I decided to discontinue the procedure. I was not seeing the results I expected for a return to good health. The decision was difficult; I did worry that I would have to go back to taking Remicade—and the accompanying drugs—prescribed as it had happened before when my condition got worse (more pain, more stiffness, less mobility).
A friend had recommended Beatrice and I had kept her in mind for minor health issues. I decided not only to consult her for my general health, but to see if she would work with me with my rheumatoid arthritis. I hadn’t known that she did such treatments, but she said she would take me on.
Since about 2007, I have not had to go back to the rheumatologist at UC San Francisco. My health continues to get better. I am almost free from the pain in my hands, feet, knees, that I had suffered so terribly from everyday for a couple of years. At the worst of my disease, my hands couldn’t grip a knife to cut my food or hold my toothbrush. Although before I had been doing advanced yoga poses, I couldn’t get down on the floor to do yoga.
I am grateful for Beatrice’s practice because now I don’t have to take the strong drugs whose side effects made my health worse in other ways, and I’m particularly appreciative that I can rely on her to understand my condition and be able to help me overcome it. My experience has been that she diagnoses, tells me what to take and what to do, and within about a week, I am back to feeling healthy and energetic.
I did not expect to be feeling this well, knowing that I did not want to continue with the traditional medical procedures. I would hope that others wanting to take the same path as I did can find equally competent alternative ways of getting well from a major health problem. Just like my friend, I have often recommended Beatrice to people I know.

Since years, I experienced very unconfortable rashes, skin problems , yeast infections, stomach pain, constipation...
Yes, these disorders were unconfortable. But they were in my body for many years, so I believed nothing could change this reality. And I didn’t ask for help because I just thought it was the way it should be. Theses symptoms belonged to me, and I accepted them as a part of myself.
But at one point, I started to suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This painful symptom was too much for me. And I decided to ask for help. That’s the reason why I decided to consult Beatrice Levinson.
This was a great thing to meet her on my way, because it was just like the begining of an inner adventure.
When I was told not to eat wheat, I was very disapointed ! I couldn’t imagine myself having a breakfast, a lunch or a dinner without wheat.What would I eat instead of bread, pasta, and home-made pie.... ?
In the past, I had read one or two nutrition books, and I thought that most of my cooking was healthy. I often ate vegetables and cereals. I was proud to prepare my meals from scratch instead of chosing the easy way of eating : junk-food, TV diners...
Well, I had to reorganize my shoping list, and learn to prepare new kind of food...
This adventure was possible because I was not alone. Beatrice Levinson led me on this path by giving me some very useful readings and tips. I could ask her every kind of questions than came into my head : what oil should I use ? Is spelt allowed in my diet ?... I felt relieved and secured to find somebody to answer to all my questions.
I discovered plenty of delicious new recipes. Cooking without wheat doesn’t mean tasteless cooking ! Today I don’t crave bread anymore, but it was not that easy at the begining !
When I was alone at home, all was clear and easy. My husband supported me and started to eat just like me. I knew exactly what I was supposed to cook and to eat. But I was afraid to lose this self-determination outside. That’s why during the first month of my diet, I avoided to have dinner with my friends. In other words, I was hiding myself from others, thinking that not to eat wheat would mean weird and bizarre for everyone !!
The most difficult part was to follow my diet in my familly. This problem had nothing to do with the diet point but adopting new foods meant much more than I imagined. It’s like you’d chosen a new identity. And this new identity was difficult to assume and to be accepted by my family members. As far as I can remember, I’d always been known as a
« hungry person », able to eat almost a full pie at once! Everybody else expected me to be like that, and so I was !
But I took the time to explain that I was trying to heal, and that I needed help. I took also the time to cook for others, and to share my new recipes.
My family appreciated my almond meal cake, quinoa, millet...
In fact, I just learned that my mother has now changed her usual cooking oil for an unrefined and healthier one. One of my friend was surprised we could heal by changing foods. She consulted for her two-years-old girl. She is actually very surprised to notice a real improvment in her daugther’s strong allergies. My husband’s brown bag lunches are now famous and popular in his workplace.
Now, I feel more confortable to respect my diet while I’m with other people . I ‘m not afraid anymore of my new decisions.
By following my naturopath’s counsel, my Irritable Bowel Syndrome improved quickly. By the way, some of my old symptoms disapeared. : constipation, stomach pain, yeast infection... I was so surprised by this unexpected relief. I enjoy this new confort ! In the past, I didn’t realize these symptoms were related to foods. Now I know how to avoid these old disorders. Something changed in my mind because I am now able to restore my own body’s balance.
What I have learned is much more than to stick on a diet. Beatrice Levinson taught me basic tools to cleanse and to strengthen my body. For example, I started to use Tea Tree oil for my intimate hygiene, or practicing the Raindrop Therapy Technique, which consists of massaging my back with 7 different essential oils. I also drink apple cider vinegar with my main meals to help my digestion, and I follow the principles of « The Body Ecology Diet ». For me, all of these were new steps to a new health’s consciousness . I give more attention and more love to my body while taking care of my bowels, my liver, my stomach, my vagina, and my back’s muscles...
That’s why I say, it ‘s an adventure to heal : on my path, I found what I didn’t expect . Today, for me, this adventure continues by going deeper in the consciousness of my body, and of myself.
Thank you ! Nathalie

Beatrice is very ample in these steps, and has beautiful solutions for challenges initially anticipated as difficult. I recommend Beatrice!

It is true that time is running out of time and that I have not been back to you for a long time, although I am continuing my journey towards regained health!
I would say that at the level of diabetes, there has been a significant improvement since the beginning of GAPS more than a year and a half ago. With a 5.6 stable gly hemoglobin since the beginning (I was at 7 for years before starting GAPS). There are some ups and downs, but it’s inherent in this disease, I think, which reflects a lot of the physical and psychological state you’re in. In other words, the holidays were life-saving, glycemic was perfect and physical activity allowed me to significantly lower my insulin doses. On the other hand, re-entry and its lot of stress were a little “bumpy on that balance”, but I thought they were.
Moreover, I have not suffered at all from an allergic episode this year, which had not happened to me since my earliest childhood, what a joy! I used to spend the spring and the beginning of summer in handkerchiefs, last summer had not spared me either unlike this year.
My acne is gradually getting better, the process is slow but I see real improvements.
As a general rule, I feel much more the link between things that happen in my body since I no longer take any medications (except insulin), and many things are related to hormonal cycles (acne, headache, increased blood sugar, etc.). I think that’s important to note, because I wasn’t really aware of it before.The increase in glycemia as a function of the cycle for example had never bothered me. Concerning the headaches, they are only related to the rules and occur about 2 days before, I know perfectly identify them and I wait for them! I had a lot more before…
Otherwise, I am closely followed by Doctor Saby for my teeth, who helps me little by little to find a mouth more seine, and there is work!
In short, for nothing in the world I would go back, many people have the feeling that I make sacrifices by not eating this or that anymore, but I can only tell them how much better I feel, and not at all frustrated! It is a whole, a general feeling.I know that the road is still long but I am not out of breath, quite the contrary!
I look forward to seeing you again in consultation as soon as my schedule permits.

Has Béatrice Levinson changed my life for the better?
Her depth and breadth of Naturopathic knowledge has enable me to:
- Cease taking drugs for acid reflux.
- Prevent my skin from breaking out with unsightly rashes.
- Spot suffering from muscle spasms in my calves.
- Overcome out-of-control cravings for sugar (which I now know to be like poison to my body)!
- Maintain a balanced disposition and emotional happiness that eluded me until I learned how to eat properly through her program for GAPS patients.

For years I had cystitis on cystitis, very violent attacks that prevented me from moving and stunted me. I went to see many doctors: generalists, gynecologists, urologists… while passing about a hundred urine tests, samples of all kinds… I could go on green and mature… Then I got to know Beatrice Levinson by word of mouth, and I tried everything but Naturopathy. I went to see her, she looked at my past, how I eat and many other things… she gave me natural treatment, and advised me to stop certain types of food…
And here I am, a few months later, more fulfilled than ever after years of crises and fatigue… a big thank you to Beatrice Levinson who put the right finger on my ailments to heal me…
I recommend 200%!!!

Beatrice is very through in her intake and practical in her approach of treatment. She does her research "homework" and has many happy clients who follow her guidelines. TRUST !!!

She was so wonderful and knowledgeable with support information. I miss seeing her. Thanks.

Excellent professional and GAPS practitioner, very attentive and full of humanity, Beatrice is very available in her accompaniment with people.